--- title: "Introduction to flightsbr" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Introduction to flightsbr} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ``` **flightsbr** is an R package to download flight and airport data from Brazil’s Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC). The package currently includes five main functions: 1. `read_flights()` 2. `read_airports()` 3. `read_aircraft()` 4. `read_airport_movements()` 5. `read_airfares()` ### 1) `read_flights()`: Flights data include detailed information on every international flight to and from Brazil, as well as domestic flights within the country. The data include flight-level information of airports of origin and destination, flight duration, aircraft type, payload, and the number of passengers, as well as several other variables. - [Data dictionary for flights](https://www.gov.br/anac/pt-br/assuntos/regulados/empresas-aereas/Instrucoes-para-a-elaboracao-e-apresentacao-das-demonstracoes-contabeis/descricao-de-variaveis). ### 2) `read_airports()`: Airports data covers all airports and aerodromes registered in Brazil’s Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC). It includes detailed information on ICAO code, municipality, geographical coordinates, runway dimensions etc. - Data dictionary: - [Public airports](https://www.anac.gov.br/acesso-a-informacao/dados-abertos/areas-de-atuacao/aerodromos/lista-de-aerodromos-publicos-v2/70-lista-de-aerodromos-publicos-v2). - [Private airports](https://www.anac.gov.br/acesso-a-informacao/dados-abertos/areas-de-atuacao/aerodromos/lista-de-aerodromos-privados-v2). ### 3) `read_aircraft()`: All aircraft registered in the Brazilian Aeronautical Registry (Registro Aeronáutico Brasileiro - RAB), organized by the Brazilian Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC). - [Data dictionary for aircraft data](https://www.anac.gov.br/acesso-a-informacao/dados-abertos/areas-de-atuacao/aeronaves/registro-aeronautico-brasileiro/5-registro-aeronautico-brasileiro). ### 4) `read_airport_movements()`: The data covers all passenger, aircraft, cargo and mail movement from airports regulated by ANAC. - [Data dictionary for airport movements data](https://www.anac.gov.br/acesso-a-informacao/dados-abertos/areas-de-atuacao/operador-aeroportuario/dados-de-movimentacao-aeroportuaria/60-dados-de-movimentacao-aeroportuaria). ### 5) `read_airfares()`: The data covers airfares of domestic and international flights. - Data dictionary: - [domestic airfares](https://www.anac.gov.br/acesso-a-informacao/dados-abertos/areas-de-atuacao/voos-e-operacoes-aereas/tarifas-aereas-domesticas/46-tarifas-aereas-domesticas). - [international airfares](https://www.gov.br/anac/pt-br/assuntos/dados-e-estatisticas/microdados-de-tarifas-aereas-comercializadas). ## Basic usage Before using **flightsbr** please make sure that you have it installed on your computer. You can download the most stable version from CRAN. ```{r, eval = FALSE} install.packages("flightsbr") ``` Now we can load the library and start downloading data. ```{r, eval=FALSE} library(flightsbr) ``` #### Download flights data: ```{r, eval=FALSE} # in a given **month* of a given **year** (yyyymm) df_201506 <- read_flights(date = 201506, showProgress = FALSE) # in a given year (yyyy) df_2015 <- read_flights(date = 2015, showProgress = FALSE) ``` #### Download airports data: ```{r, eval=FALSE} airports_all <- flightsbr::read_airports(type = 'all', showProgress = FALSE) airports_prv <- flightsbr::read_airports(type = 'private', showProgress = FALSE) airports_pbl <- flightsbr::read_airports(type = 'public', showProgress = FALSE) ``` #### Download data of aircraft: ```{r, eval=FALSE} aircraft <- flightsbr::read_aircraft(date = 2024, showProgress = FALSE) head(aircraft) ``` #### Download data on airport movements: ```{r, eval=FALSE} airport_mov <- flightsbr::read_airport_movements(date = 201901) head(airport_mov) ``` #### Download data on data on air fares of domestic flights in Brazil: ```{r, eval=FALSE} airfares <- flightsbr::read_airfares(date = 202003, domestic = TRUE) head(airfares) ```